Entrance to the Hall is down the stairs off Adelaide St.
Have you started planning for end-of-life? Do you know what the church teaches about death and burial? Do you have questions about what you can take care of now to so that your family is not overburdened when the time comes? Are you planning to leave something to the church when you die so that it can continue to function and serve the community as it has during your lifetime? Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 11, when Chapel of Memories will present their Life Planning Seminar, from 10 am to 12:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Funeral home staff will have information on all the arrangements you can make ahead of time, how to take care of payment, and what will happen when the time comes. Father Michael will also be present to share the teachings of the Catholic Church around death and burial, as well as the importance of and procedure for leaving a bequest to the church. Finally, Rebecca will have information on the newly developed spaces in St. Peter’s Cemetery, and how to
pre-arrange for your burial.