by Catholic Health Association of British Columbia
There is a need to rally around a collective, intentional vision and action aimed at supporting the person in all dimensions—physical, social, psychological, emotional, spiritual—as a form of social justice. They are calling this approach “Mission: Assistance in Living” (MAiL). MAiL is aimed at identifying, providing, improving and/or facilitating access to care and supports that advance the inherent dignity, security and fundamental equality of all persons— including persons with physical or mental illness, disability or older age, as well as persons experiencing poverty, homelessness, isolation or a lack of care and support —in order to live with dignity, to flourish, and fully participate in society on an equal basis with others. Together, we CAN make a difference. Click here to learn more. See also here for a statement from the CCCB on the non-permissibility of MAiD in health organizations with a Catholic identity.